First question: are you prepared to pay for your learning solution? If you want to learn how to speak French for free, then you’ll need to come back later for another post. Here, I want to assume that you are prepared to invest a little in your learning. Don’t forget that your time is your […]
Here are my clear explanations of French grammar terms used for French verb conjugation such as pronoun, person, mood, tense, voice, agreement, infinitive etc… In order to learn French efficiently, you need to understand the French grammar terms used by books and French teachers. This is particularly true for French verbs, since understanding the logic […]
French was my first love when it comes to languages. There’s an expression in French: “On revient toujours à son premier amour.” It means you always go back to your first love. I love French. I love all the languages that I have learned, but I have a special affection for French. Growing up in […]
Amazing tutors, awesome learning experience. MyTeacher helps me to learn a new language effectively. Constant practices on listening, speaking and writing allow me to improve a lot on the French language. It was truly an enriching experience for Daniel to bring the French culture into the classroom which motivates me to learn the language!
“An urge to pick up a new language (Italian) has brought me to MyTeacher, under the tutelage of Lucia. A dedicated and passionate figure with much patience and skills to deliver her knowledge of the language and it’s structure, she guides me to learn with ease and comfort. She also creates a warm and conducive […]